Black&White4 CTS

Real barista feeling - with the integrated steam lance of the Black&White4 CTS, all types of milk can be foamed in one pitcher!

Black&White4 CTS
Capacity per hour
240 espressos
200 coffees
120 teas
120 steam products
Bean hopper
~1.7 kg
Electrical connection
1 Phase
220–240 VAC / 50–60 Hz
5800–7100 W / 32 A
3 Phasen
380–415 VAC / 50–60 Hz
5800–7100 W / 3x16 A
412 x 600 x 646 mm (W/D/H)
67 kg

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Fully automatic coffee machine with steam lance on a gray background

Black&White4 CTS

Impressive advantages in the multipack

Thanks to the Black&White4 CTS, both professional baristas and untrained staff can create excellent milk foam.

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